December 3, 2024
Distance: 25.95. Total: 9,464.34 mi., 15,228.12 km.
The truly awful roads of Laos finally took their toll and cracked the rim of my rear wheel. Ever a graduate of Eff Around and Find Out University, I took a day off at to fix and true the rim. Now it rolls better, but has more cracks.
Moreover, in the process of replacing a broken nipple (the tiny screw that holds a spoke in a rim), I accidentally dropped the new nipple inside the rim. This causes a very loud rattling sound when the wheel rolls. Laura, bless her a million times, spent two hours shaking the wheel, watching videos, and then, ultimately, fashioning a scoop out of a business card to lure the nipple out of the valve. Total hero.

So I'm riding a wheel that is basically held together with duct tape, but at least it is silent.
Wish me luck.
